Análisis de la novela mejicana "Como agua para chocolate" de Laura Esquivel Trabajo de investigación elaborado por:


  • Mithal Ahmed Abd



Laura Esquivel)


The advantage of literature in general , whether Spanish literature or world literature there is a lot of literary figures giant that managed its continuing work that leaves lasting impression and clear in all fields of literary world throughout history , and among these writers that we can remind the writer of Mexican ( Laura Esquivel ) which placed touches to a clear and precise in literature through her ​​famous novel       ( like water for chocolate) ( como agua para chocolate), this study is about it.  The novel (like water for chocolate) (como agua para chocolate) is one of the interesting stories which owe their inspiration that has big reputation. Troy this novel sense of delicate little girl ( Teta ) and is one of the main characters that revolve about the events of this novel , since they see own eyes how her boyfriend ( Pedro ) marries her sister  (Rosaora ) , at which time they should continue to work in the kitchen , as they must respect the traditions that were prevalent at the time, and which states that the girl should remain micro without marriage to help her mother with the housework . It is worth mentioning that the title of this novel is such a famous dealt with the population in the countries of Latin America, especially in Mexico.   I was in search of this novel analysis includes everything virtual and mystical, particularly those relating to social conditions that prevailed in these periods. The research found that this novel and by a lot of critics and researchers is one of the gems of literary, both at the local level or the global level as it mix between what is worldly and what is supernatural through addressed to the reality of the magician to those social structure prevailing at the time. Critics have puzzled researchers if they are to start the classification of this novel, some of whom felt that it is one of the historical works , because it has proceeded to collect a lot of customs and traditions in that period . Some of them promise a romantic work, as it recounts the life and the difficulties of the fairer sex, and exposed him to the difficulties and tragedy, especially women who work as they devote their lives to work in the kitchen. Some of them promise one wrote for cooking, because it contains a lot of recipes magic own kitchen.


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How to Cite

Análisis de la novela mejicana "Como agua para chocolate" de Laura Esquivel Trabajo de investigación elaborado por:. (2021). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 212(2), 163-182.