Al-Awaboun in the holly Quran (Objective Scientific Study)


  • Asst. Lecturer: Fadhil Abbas Lateef Ministry of Education/ General Directorate of Education in the provinceof Baghdad/ Karkh 3



the concept of the word


     The best way a man takes in his life is the way of scientists and the most honest science for a man to be busy with is the holly Quran because the honest of Quran is from the honest of its descender; the best way is for Allah, and there is no good in this world and the hereafter except when he is the one who is the one who is talking to him, by knowing the interpretation of his meanings and looking for what Allah Almighty wanted with his glorious words. (Falsehood does not come from his hands nor from behind him download from Hakim Hamid) (Surat/ Fussilet: 42).

     When I looked at the verses of the Holy Qur'an, I stood on (the first ones who are ' Awaboun' in the Qur'an) under a comprehensive scientific objective study, because it is one of the topics that the Qur'an is interested in, because people always need to go back to Allah Almighty because many sins and mistakes do not end, and because the human soul is bad, it was necessary to move from this sin and negligence and return to Allah Almighty.

   The Holy Qur'an urged us to be distressed by the prophets and missionaries in a way that gave them their repentance and good return to Allah almighty in good and bad, in hardship and ease, and in good and hateful, as well as to follow the example of the faithful, and how they received the reward of Allah almighty, and the high status in the life of this world and the hereafter.


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How to Cite

Al-Awaboun in the holly Quran (Objective Scientific Study). (2020). ALUSTATH JOURNAL FOR HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, 59(3), 313-334.

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