حروف الجر وصيغة الحالة للأسم كعلامة ديناهيكيه المعنى في نصوص وسائل اإلاعلام الحديثة
https://doi.org/10.36473/ujhss.v59i4.1209الكلمات المفتاحية:
media text, relational unit, prepositional case form, reference, case, preposition.الملخص
The study hypothesizes the ability of a relative unit to participate in the consciousness of a native speaker of a certain meaning. The new cultural paradigm of universal visualization and virtualization predicts the dynamic meaning of modern media text, a meaning that reflects new technological realities. Not only new words, but also new grammatical units become this dynamic meaning markers. The argumentation of the hypothesis is based on the example of the expanding context of prepositional-case forms of nouns telephone, TV and computer.